Robots for indoor intervention
Both type of robots are remotely operated machines for indoor reconnaissance and light intervention when the radiological environment becomes hazardous to man. Designed to progress in industrial premises, they can climb obstacles, open doors and go up and down stairs. Their on board lighting system allows operations in the dark. During the reconnaissance phase, they gather and feedback information
- Videos of pumps, valves, electrical panels and instrumentation panels
- Status of gauges, dials, screens, lamps and portholes...
- Temperature measurements, sound checks, dose rate…
During the intervention phase, they can perform simple operations within their design limits :
- Open and close unlocked doors with or without closing mechanism
- Open and close electrically operated valves (push-button operation) or manually operated valves
- Manoeuvre electrical switches, contacts…
- Pick up debris or collect samples
- Monitor the radiological environment with suitable probes (radiameter, …)
- Operate custom made tools (grinder, drill...)
- Assist other remotely controlled machines by providing additional lighting, vision or manipulation capability
Indoor robots simulator
In operation since 2015, he provides a training environment of high fidelity with respect to Groupe INTRA’s mock-up facility while sparing the indoor robots from damage and expanding their lifetime. The control station is fully identical to the one in operation, and the trainer can simulate any type of glitches or breakdowns in real time and evaluate pilot’s, reactions..
Control Stations
- An autonomous station made of, a main electronics rack and three, LCD fold-in screens. This easy to, transport unit can be positioned, inside a building as closely as possible, to the area where the robots, will progress.
- A specially equipped light utility, vehicle when access inside the building, is not possible and the robots, must be operated from the outside..
Note : Groupe INTRA’s two control, station vehicles are multipurpose and, can be used either for indoor or outdoor, robots (ERASE type) in their 3rd, generation (digital transmission) version., They cannot be used in contaminated, areas.
External Interface
Real time videos from the robots can be sent to the Crisis/Emergency Management Centre, for monitoring the mission progress via Groupe INTRA’s Command Centre and its satellite, link., Detailed characteristics of indoor robots are shown in the table below :
EOLE is based on indoor reconnaissance robot ERII (base REMOTEC ANDROS V body) modified to Groupe INTRA specifications.
EROS is the end product of developments made on CEA’s CENTAURE robots.