Versatile indoor/outdoor trailer


Description - Missions


EMOI is deployed with ERASE for outdoor missions and with EROS/EOLE for indoor interventions.
It therefore can :

  • Carry two indoor robots up to 3km from the control station,
  • Act as a back up channel for control and communication signals between the robot and its control station,
  • Monitor robots thanks to its panoramic ball camera.

Fibre optics connect EMOI trailer to the control station.
ERASE control signals transit through EMOI via a short distance radio link with modems.


Fibre optics management

EMOI is equipped with a reel which keeps the fibre optics under a constant tension to allow secure winding and unwinding
operations. Groupe INTRA has developed a support system using an inverted differential gearbox to ensure that the fibre will
be laid on the ground along with the trailer progress and stay free of strain to prevent damage if tied on something or during
rewinding when coming back to base. Operated from the control station, a small motor adapts the fibre winding or unwinding
speed with respect to the guiding roller located on the trailer’s wheel.

Control station

EMOI trailer is operated from a 3G control station (which can, also operate ERASE and EROS/EOLE robots) through two, hard-wired automatons. The power generator, the articulated, arch, the tailgate and the fibre optics management systems, are also operated from the control station., The different steps of a mission with EMOI are the following :

  • Start up of the power supply and the winding/unwinding system,
  • ERASE tows the trailer to the mission location (up to 3 km away from starting point),
  • The articulated arch fitted with antennas and the panoramic ball camera is deployed,
  • ERASE unhitchs from the trailer and is positioned approximately 100m away from it either on stand-by or to perform another mission (double communication link is then kept available),
  • Tailgate is unfolded to allow for indoor robots exit (they can progress up to 350m away from the trailer).

All control signals for the above come from the same control station.


Detailed characteristics of EMOI trailer are shown in the table below :
